Projects / 2018
- Renovation of road surface of Merķeļa Street in Riga
- Reconstruction of the state regional road P132 Rīga-Mārupe (Jaunmārupe) in the stage 1.80 km – 4.14 km
- Reconstruction of Miera Street and renovation of Tehnikas Street in Auce
- Reconstruction of pedestrian road in Vecauce parish, renovating the landscape park of Vecauce manor
- In Ogre – round II of reconstruction of Jāņa Čakstes Avenue
- In Jelgava – renovation of asphalt concrete road surface in the stage of Romas Street from Zemeņu Street to Turaidas Street
- In Dobele – reconstruction works of Lauku Street (in the stage from Bērzes Street junction to Lauku Street 98)
- Renovation of road surface of the state regional road P98 Jelgava (Tušķi) – Tukums in the stage from 5.30 km-23.92 km
- Reconstruction of the state regional road P98 Jelgava (Tušķi) – Tukums in the stage 0.00 km-5.30 km
- In Inčukalns region – reconstruction of Gaujas Street in Vangaži
- Setting up of the state border line infrastructure along the border of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Belarus
- Construction of infrastructure for border guards at the border of the Republic of Latvia and the Russian Federation
- Construction of a pedestrian bridge across the Piķurga River in Ulbroka, Stopiņi region
- Reconstruction of road surface of the state regional road P73 Vecumnieki-Nereta-Subate in the stage 57.56 km-65.10 km
- In Olaine region – reconstruction of the municipal road CA023 Namiķi-Birzuļi and the stage 0.93 km-1.52 km of the municipal road CA002 Pēternieki-Ķesteri
- Renovation of the road surface of the state main road A8 Rīga-Jelgava-Lithuanian border (Meitene) in the stage 40.20 km-41.58 km (exit to V1068)
- Reconstruction of two stages of the road Ķemeri-Zanderi No.11 – 0.00 km-3.46 km and 3.46 km-5.46 km
- Construction of Katoļu Street and Bīlenšteina Street in Dobele
- Construction of the stadium of Football Club “Jelgava” at Kārklu Street 6, in Jelgava
- Construction of basketball court of Augstkalne Secondary School and a pedestrian walkway in Tērvete region
- Renovation works of pedestrian walkway and car parking lot at Kalnamuižas Lutheran Church in Tērvete
- In Jelgava – construction of asphalt concrete road surface of Atmodas Street in the stage from Ganību Street to PEI “Kāpēcīši”
- Construction works of the access way to the office of JSC “Agrofirma Tērvete” (from P103 along the preschool educational institution “Sprīdītis”) in Tērvete
- Reconstruction of Platone bridge across the Platone River at 35.83 km of the road P103 Dobele-Bauska and construction works of road surface
- In Dobele – reconstruction of Spodrības Street in the stage from Brīvības Street to the border of Bērze parish
- Asphalting works of roads Te38 (0.7 km) and Te36 (0.4 km) in Tērvete parish
- Renovation works of the national significance water drain Skursteņi Brook in Jelgava region
- Renovation works of the national significance water drain Gardene in Dobele region

Reconstruction of the state regional road P132 Rīga-Mārupe (Jaunmārupe) in the stage 1.80 km – 4.14 km